I’s the B’y
I's the B'y
I’s the B’y is a bouncy, fast, and raucous jig that conveys high spirits, joy in one’s circumstances, and dauntless energy. We feel uplifted when we sing it, and hope it raises your spirits to listen!
About I’s the B’y
The song may have originated in Newfoundland in the 1870s and became popular outside Newfoundland after it was first transcribed and published in 1951 (Source: Folk Songs of Canada). Widely popular across Canada, I’s the B’y has held a place in the Canadian Songwriter’s Hall of Fame since 2005. Described on the CS Hall of Fame’s website as “the silliest piece of drivel ever composed in Newfoundland,” it is also said to have “found its way into every folk song collection in Canada.”
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